An alleged press shot of Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 revealed with the model number GT-S7270. Galaxy Ace line had always been a budget-friendly phone which resembles the Galaxy S flagship line with limited feature set. Galaxy Ace 2, the predecessor of Ace 3 was released in 2012 with android 4.0 onboard and it had been given the taste of 4.1 jelly bean being a budget phone. At this point, the budget phones like Desire X of HTC and Xperia U of Sony, both being dual-core phones are ended up with android 4.0 only.
Galaxy Ace 3 packs a dual core 1Ghz processor,1GB of RAM, five-megapixel camera, VGA front-facer, and 4GB of internal storage (expandable via microSD card), Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi, GPS, powered by a 1,500 mAh battery. According to our information will the dimension of the device be 121.2×62.7×9.79mm.
It might be available in Metallic Black, Wine Red, and Pure White. There is no exact information on pricing and availability for the Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 but we might see it at the London 20 event.